Allergies Stack
The unique combination of nutrients found in this stack offers a complete formula to naturally combat allergens.

After a month, I’d say 90% of my allergies are gone. No irritated eyes, or itchy throat. I’ll probably take this supplement year-round.
Derek W.
Verified Customer
Histamine & Immune
Histamine & Immune is the foundational supplement included in the Allergies Stack. It provides unique and essential support found in grass-fed and grass-finished thymus, lung, spleen, liver, and kidney.
Thymus extracts contain hormones like thymopoietin and thymulin that can safeguard the body from the development of cancer, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, and other autoimmune disorders by enhancing cell functioning.
Lung is rich in vitamin B12, which acts as an immunomodulator for cell immunity. It also contains antimicrobial peptides that have been shown to improve immune health.
Spleen has high levels of heme iron, the most bioavailable form of iron, to support the nervous system and immune health. It is also rich in niacin, which is crucial for metabolic health, and selenium, a key player in thyroid function.
Liver is the single most nutritious natural food on the planet, both in terms of density and variety. It is incredibly rich in vitamins, minerals, peptides and enzymes to support immune, reproductive, digestive, musculoskeletal, and nervous health.
Kidney contains high levels of vitamin B2 and the mineral selenium, which is required for optimal immune function, helps decrease oxidative stress, and is even associated with the prevention of certain cancers.

Try the Stack
The combined power of Histamine & Immune, Gut & Digestion, Lifeblood, and Grass-Fed Colostrum include essential nutrients.
Thymopoietin and Thymulin
Essential peptides for immune cell programming and activation of the immune system.
Diamine Oxidase (DAO)
Supports overall immune health, histamine metabolism, and digestion.
Thymosin fraction 5 and thymosin alpha-1
Peptides that are potent stimulators of the immune system and enhance immune cell functioning.
Liver Expressed Antimicrobial Peptide
Also known as LEAP-2. This peptide is involved in immune response and glucose metabolism.
Thymosin beta-4
Important peptide in stimulating pituitary hormones essential for reproductive function.
Hepcidin Peptide
A peptide directly involved in iron metabolism as well as the innate immune response.
Thymic humoral factor
Increases the immune response, especially to viruses.
Kidney-specific peptides
Reduce the concentration of oxalates in the urine and calcium deposits in the renal tissue, as well as preventing free-radical induced damage.
Bovine Beta-Defensins and Cathelicidins
Peptides known to have broad antimicrobial roles in the body.
Vitamins A, D, E, K2
Get these vitamins in a super bioavailable form that play critical roles in overall immune and bone health.
Splenin, Tuftsin and Splenopentin Peptides
Peptides exclusively found in splenic tissue which enhance immune function.
Riboflavin, Folate, B12, and Choline
Essential for red blood cell formation, brain, reproductive, and cardiovascular health.
Heme iron
Crucial for brain health, energy, and exercise performance, as well as immune function.
Copper, Biotin, and CoQ10
Crucial for metabolism, mood, and energy, as well as the health of skin, hair, and nails.
A B3 vitamin essential for cardiovascular health, mood, cognition, and energy.
A critical mineral for thyroid function (iodothyronine deiodinanses) and immune health/antioxidant defense (glutathione peroxidase, thioredoxin reductase).
Ergothioneine Peptide
An amino acid found in liver, kidney, and bone marrow found to support detoxification and longevity pathways.
Alpha defensins 5 and 6
Antimicrobial peptides involved in the immune response.
Gastrin-releasing Peptide
Also known as GPR, this peptide is found in pancreatic tissue and supports digestive processes by stimulating the release of enzymes, bicarbonate, and fluids.
A vital mineral involved in antioxidant defense (Super Oxide Dismutase), thyroid function, bone health, blood sugar regulation, as well as wound healing and collagen production.
Lipase, Protease, and Amylase
Enzymes to help break down macronutrients like fat, protein and carbohydrates.
Colipase, Trypsin, and Pancreatic Peptide
Support the activation of enzymes needed to break down protein and help with food allergies by improving digestion.
Red Blood cells, White Blood Cells and Platelets
Involved in oxygen transport, the immune response, and wound healing.
Immune Proteins
Immunoglobulins involved in defense against viruses and bacteria.
Immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG, IgM, IgD, IgE)
Antibodies that play an integral role in immune defense mechanisms.
Transforming Growth Factors - Alpha & Beta (TGF-a & b)
Stimulates growth and differentiation of various connective tissue, including bone and cartilage, and is crucial for wound healing, gut healing, as well as DNA synthesis and repair.
Proline-rich Polypeptides (PRPs), like Colostrinin
Crucial for thymus gland support (command center for immune defense), growth and differentiation of B lymphocytes, and modulating the immune response.
Insulin-like Growth Factor- I & II (IGF-I & -II)
Found abundantly in colostrum and helps balance blood sugar, increase HDL, build lean muscle, and aids in the metabolism of protein, fat, and carbs.
Crucial iron-binding protein which helps starve bacteria of iron needed to reproduce and modulates a powerful immune response to invading organisms.
Epithelial Growth Factor (EGF)
Crucial for skin health and wound healing.
Colony-stimulating Factor-1 (macrophage colony-stimulating factor)
Stimulates stem cells to differentiate into macrophages — immune cells that "eat" or clean up dead pathogens/debris from inflammation and infection.
Cytokines, Interleukins, Interferons, and Lymphokines
Cell signaling molecules crucial for balancing inflammation and boosting T cell activity as well as the production of antibodies. These communication molecules have been identified as important molecules for treatment of cancer, pain, and various diseases.
Identified through research to induce selective apoptosis (cell death) of cancer cells and highly effective against various viruses.

I noticed a huge difference in my allergies and sinus problems. My breathing was much better and I no longer had a constant runny nose.
Amanda D.
Verified Customer
Allergies Stack
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How to Use
Take 6 capsules, once daily, of each supplement. If you’re new to taking organ supplements, start with 1-2 capsules of each daily for the first week before increasing by one capsule daily. Consistent long-term use provides the best results.
Our Allergy Stack aims to offer a complete formula to naturally combat allergens.
Rigorous third-party testing by independent labs during and after manufacturing. Quality and purity information can be provided upon request.
100% additive, hormone, allergen, antibiotic, pesticide, and GMO-free. Freeze-dried. Pure nose-to-tail nourishment.
Allergies Stack Questions
This stack is ideal for anyone looking for nutritional support for allergy-related discomforts.
The combination of products in this stack work synergistically to deliver a wide range of highly bioavailable Vitamins, Minerals, and Peptides that naturally combat allergen-related issues, and support your bodies natural defenses.